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Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012





Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012


Which Air Conditioner Is Best for Your Specific Home?


Temperatures are beginning to warm, and summer is right around the corner. If you’ve waited until now to research what type of air conditioner is best for installation in your home, chances are that you need it quickly, right?

We get it! However, an air conditioner purchase is one of those investments that you really shouldn’t rush into. Buying the first air conditioner you see that seems decent and fits your budget could potentially leave you with cooling inefficiencies or even an improperly installed air conditioner altogether.

If you’re still reading, though, we’re going to guess that you already understand that this shouldn’t be a hasty decision for you. So, read on! Below, we’ve uncovered the different kinds of air conditioning systems we provide, and how you could benefit from each one.

Central Air Conditioning

Also referred to as split-system air conditioners, central air conditioning systems are still the most commonly seen type of cooling system in homes throughout our area, and even throughout the country.

One of these systems includes a single outdoor unit hooked up to a single indoor unit, which has a series of ductwork that distributes chilled air into all the rooms of your living space.

There have been a number of advancements in HVAC technology over the years, and you might even wonder if it’s worth exploring the central air conditioner as an option. Aren’t these systems outdated?

Actually, no, not at all.

The central air conditioning system is still a very popular choice for homeowners, especially since today’s models come with even more features, such as variable speed fans that help you save energy. Today’s models are more efficient than those of even just a decade ago.

Heat Pumps

A heat pump system works a lot like the traditional central air conditioner. The registers within your living space draw out hot air, which gets exhausted outside via the compressor unit of your air conditioner. The air from outside travels over the coils within the system, which have refrigerant in them to chill that air.

Then, the cooled air gets returned into your living space through the room vents.

So, what’s the difference? Well, the refrigerant process in a heat pump system can be reversed, so that not only are you able to get powerful and effective cooling, but you can get efficient heating from the system as well.

Dual Fuel Systems

A heat pump system does have one drawback. When temperatures outside get too cold, a heat pump will struggle to find enough warm air outside to pull in, in order to heat your home. This is where a dual fuel system comes in.

There is a backup furnace connected to your heat pump, and it automatically turns on when temperatures dip below a certain point, for maximum efficiency.

This setup is called a dual fuel system, because it’s using the electricity of the heat pump, and the natural gas of a furnace.

Ductless Systems

As the name implies, a ductless system requires no ductwork in order to do its job. It operates on heat pump technology, able to provide you with both cooling and heat, and has individual air handlers that can be controlled independently of one another.

These systems are space-saving and also save energy (and therefore money!) Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for more info!

For quality air conditioning installation in Chambersburg, PA, look no further than Premier HVAC Services. Contact us today!

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