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Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012


What Are My Options For AC Installation?


Upgrading an older air conditioner can be a very exciting project. After all, you know that you’re investing in a high-efficiency unit that is brand new and comes with a manufacturer’s warranty. You’ll have peace of mind for many years to come that your air conditioner can keep up with cooling your home.

But you want to make sure you partner with the right air conditioning contractor in Hagerstown for your AC upgrade. You can keep reading to learn more about the different options for residential air conditioning systems. Then give our team a call to schedule your income assessment where we can help you decide which option is the best choice for your home.

Central AC 

Your first option is a central air conditioner. A central AC comes in a standard model or a model that uses inverter technology. A standard central air conditioner has a single operating speed. It is always working as fast as it can to cool your home down. But there are times when a central air conditioner doesn’t need to be working at top speed. 

This is especially true in our climate zone, where we tend to have summers that are not quite as hot as our neighbors to the south. A central air conditioner that uses inverter technology is an excellent choice because the variable speed option allows your air conditioner to automate operating speed based on the cooling needs. 

When temperatures are milder and your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard, the motor can slow down and conserve energy. Of course, the unit still has the ability to speed up and work as hard as it needs to cool down your home when temperatures are at their highest.

No matter which type of central air conditioner you choose, these are excellent units for keeping your home cool. Keep in mind that a central air conditioner only offers cooling and you’ll have to maintain a separate heater for the fall and winter seasons.

Heat Pump

A heat pump is great because it offers both heating and cooling all within a single unit. There’s no need to have a separate air conditioner and heater, which ultimately saves you some space over having two separate central indoor units. However, you do want to consider that our winters can be fairly cold, so you want to select a model that has a little boost in heating ability. 

Cold weather heat pumps are perfect for adding a little heating boost while also operating efficiently to cool your home in the warmer months. Or, you could go with a ductless heat pump that doesn’t require any attached ductwork. One benefit of a ductless model is that you can save a lot of space over storing ductwork and central indoor units. 

Instead of having large central units, a ductless model has smaller units dispersed along the ceiling throughout your home. You can gain some extra closet space for storage with a ductless unit. Ductless mini splits in particular are known for being highly energy efficient and can slash your energy costs by as much as half. 

But even standard ductless heat pumps offer some energy efficiency benefits. Heat pumps are much more efficient at heating compared to other heating systems like furnaces. So, although heat pumps are neck and neck with central air conditioners when it comes to energy efficiency for cooling, they do come out ahead of other heaters when it comes to energy efficiency for heating.

To schedule your air conditioning installation, contact Premier HVAC Services today!

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