Premier HVAC Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

It’s the Best Time to Upgrade Your Home Comfort

Monday, February 10th, 2025

We are at the peak of the winter season, and that means it’s the best time to upgrade your HVAC system. We are currently selling systems at cost through 3/31/25 so that we can move inventory. If you’re interested in taking advantage of this great offer, give our team a call today.

You can also keep reading to learn some of the additional benefits of upgrading your HVAC system now. Not only will you get an excellent installation, but you’ll enjoy the service that you expect, a guarantee on our work, and top-tier service for the years to come for both maintenance and repairs.

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How Old Is Too Old for a Furnace?

Monday, January 27th, 2025

Furnaces age like everything else, and you can realistically expect to get around 15 years out of your furnace before needing to replace it. If your system is close to 15 years old or even past this age, it’s time to consider a replacement. 

It may be struggling to keep up with heating demands, or costing you a lot on your monthly energy costs. A furnace replacement in Fayetteville, PA is just the way to reverse these issues and get a fresh start. Keep reading to learn all of the benefits of investing in a new furnace. 

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Learn About the Process of Installing a New Furnace

Monday, January 13th, 2025

Investing in a new furnace is a big commitment. You’re making a significant financial investment in your home’s comfort and efficiency. Whether your old furnace is showing signs of failure or you’re ready to upgrade to a high-efficiency model, our team of furnace installers in Hagerstown, MD is here to help.

We can help you every step of the way, from selecting the just-right options to completing a seamless installation. Our goal is for the process to be stress-free and as easy as possible. Keep reading to learn more about the steps that happen during a furnace installation. 

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Are Boilers Still Considered a Good Heating System

Monday, December 4th, 2023

To some, boilers may seem a little outdated. The HVAC industry has come a long way and now there are a variety of options available for heating your home. But does that mean you shouldn’t get a boiler? Not necessarily. There are many times that a boiler is an excellent choice for heating your home. 

Boilers in Chambersburg, PA offer a variety of benefits for heating your home efficiently and effectively. You can keep reading to learn more about the benefits of installing a boiler as well as insulation considerations if you don’t already have one.

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Unsealed Vents Are a Big Problem 

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Your HVAC system has to be completely airtight in order for heat to reach your home effectively. You may think about your furnace and even your ductwork having seals that need to be maintained, but you also need to consider your vents. 

If you hear a crackling sound in a vent in your home, that’s a red flag that the vents are not sealed properly and heat is escaping before reaching the rooms. You can keep reading to learn more about the problem with unsealed vents and what our team can do about it.

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Heating Maintenance: Why Do I Need It?

Monday, March 13th, 2023

A common question we get from our customers is, “What is heating maintenance and why do I need it?” Imagine what would happen if you didn’t maintain your car at all. If you neglected getting the oil changed, refilling your tires with air when they’re low, and never changed the air filter, how long would your car go until it broke down completely?

Just like an automobile, a heater is a complicated piece of machinery that needs routine maintenance for peak performance. So trust us when we say, heating maintenance is of utmost importance. If you want to know exactly why it’s so important, keep reading to learn the nitty gritty of heating maintenance. 

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Your Heater’s Air Filter: Small Part, Big Job

Monday, January 16th, 2023

We’re several months into the heating season. You’ve undoubtedly been using your heater regularly, depending on it to heat your home to a comfortable level. To help make sure you’re able to continue relying on your heater, your air filter is probably due to be replaced if you haven’t done so already. 

Air filters should be replaced every 1-3 months depending on various factors. Replacing the filter regularly is an essential part of efficient heating in Chambersburg, PA. If you’re not aware of why it’s so helpful to your home comfort, keep reading to learn about the big job your little air filter does.

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It’s Time to Schedule Your Heating Maintenance!

Monday, October 24th, 2022

In our previous blog post, we talked about how important heating maintenance is, and when the best time to schedule this service is. As we stated in that post, the right time is now. After all, it is that time of the year. The leaves are falling, apple pies are baking, and all over the place, you can hear the sound of heaters being turned on for the first time. (Okay, maybe that’s not quite true!)

In any case, though, it is important to ensure that your heater is fully equipped to keep you and your family warm and cozy all season long, and annual maintenance is the best way to do just that! Read on as we uncover why now really is the best time for Chambersburg, PA heating maintenance.

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Beware This Potential Furnace Danger

Monday, February 14th, 2022

The #1 potential furnace danger for homeowners to be aware of is a cracked heat exchanger. Now, this isn’t to say that furnaces are inherently dangerous, because they’re not. But this is a very important blog post to read if you are using a gas furnace to keep your home warm.

When not properly maintained, a gas furnace, especially one that has aged to about 10-15 years, can become hazardous. The same can be said for any gas-powered appliance, as any one of them has the potential to develop safety problems depending on how they’re cared for.

While your gas furnace does have a special safety feature that turned the system off if something malfunctions internally, a cracked or damaged heat exchanger can be subtle, and insidious. Read on as we explain.

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Is Changing Your Furnace Air Filter Necessary?

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

If you use a furnace in your home, then you know the satisfaction of turning it on for the first time in fall or winter and getting that rush of warm air. Naturally, if you turn it on and something goes awry, you’re going to panic. However, you should know that there are actually steps you can take to avoid this.

No, we don’t expect you to service your furnace, but we can make you aware of what can be done to help you avoid sudden, surprise, and expensive malfunctions. For example, have you scheduled heating maintenance yet this year?

During professional maintenance, our technicians thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it, which ensures that your heater works as efficiently and effectively as possible for as long as possible. In addition to professional services, there is one more small maintenance task that you can and should do on your own every 1–3 months—change the air filter! Read on to learn why this is necessary.

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