Premier HVAC Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hagerstown’

Benefits of a Whole-Home Humidifier

Monday, October 26th, 2020

As you may be very well aware of, high humidity during the summer can make a hot day feel miserable—and whole-house dehumidification can help. In fact, even though your air conditioner can’t really provide comprehensive dehumidification, it does help dry the air out a bit. But did you know you could have too little humidity in your home?

The winter months bring dry air, and dry air brings a number of problems for both your property and your health. Fortunately, there is a solution. Read on as we uncover the power of whole-home humidifiers and why they are beneficial for many homes.

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AC Trouble: 6 Sounds You Shouldn’t Hear

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Wouldn’t it be great if our home air conditioners could self-diagnose their malfunctions and report them back to us in detail? Honestly, this probably isn’t too far-fetched of an idea … but in the meantime, it’s not a reality.

For now, you have to rely on other means to know if your air conditioner has something wrong with it. Perhaps it’s a sudden decline in cooling power, or an unexplained spike in your utility bills. It may be that your circuit breakers for the HVAC unit are constantly tripping.

And then there’s one of the most common signs something is amiss with your cooling system: loud or unfamiliar noises. Pretty much any sound you hear that you’ve never heard before should be cause for alarm, but below we’ve uncovered six of the most common noises we get called for.

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Why You Should Care about AC Refrigerant Loss

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Are you one of many homeowners who still believes the myth that air conditioners are meant to lose refrigerant over time? That refrigerant is like fuel to an air conditioner, so it depletes like gasoline does from a car? Fortunately, you’re definitely not alone in believing this misconception, but unfortunately, it is a myth that could do your air conditioner harm.

How so? Well here’s the thing: if your air conditioner is losing refrigerant, it means there is a leak that shouldn’t exist. The leak needs to be located and patched up, so then the refrigerant can be refilled—what those of us in the industry call recharged. Why does all this matter? Read on!

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How to Clean Your Air and Breathe Easier

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Homeowners throughout the country have, understandably, become more cognizant of how healthy the air is that they breathe indoors. With the Coronavirus outbreak, families are seeking ways to keep their own homes healthier and safer.

While there is no guarantee that a particular product or service will significantly reduce the risk of virus transmission, there are steps you can take toward a healthier home. By implementing some best practices for a cleaner and more breathable home, homeowners can help improve their immunities and limit the risk of catching germs and viruses.

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Is Your AC Use Hurting Its Efficiency?

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

One of the most common complaints we hear from homeowners is about how much it costs to actually use their air conditioners each summer. And we get it! Our air conditioners go through a lot of work each year and consume a lot of energy–in fact, HVAC systems account for about half of all the energy use in any given home, so naturally your utility bills will increase when summer rolls around.

So if you want to save money, is your only option to just stop using your air conditioner so much? Not at all! Actually the real answer here is to learn how to better use your cooling system. Curious? Read on to learn how you might be using your AC system inefficiently.

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What a Thermostat Upgrade Could Do for Your AC System

Monday, July 20th, 2020

When an air conditioner starts experiencing trouble, often the first thought homeowners have is that it must be a problem with a broken component within the system, or perhaps the culprit is a dirty filter that needs to be changed. These very well could be the problem, but another likely cause for alleged AC disrepair is the thermostat.

A malfunctioning thermostat is not going to send the right signals to your HVAC systems. The thermostat is tasked with telling these systems what to do and how long to do it for, and if you have an outdated thermostat–like a basic digital thermostat or even an old manual slider thermostat–you could be missing out on comfort and monetary savings.

Read on to see what an upgrade to a smart thermostat can do for your air conditioner!

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What Not to Do When Buying a New Air Conditioner

Monday, July 6th, 2020

The number one thing you should never do when buying a new air conditioner is to plan on installing it yourself. Unless you are an experienced and professionally trained HVAC technician, mistakes can be made that will affect not only the efficiency of that system but also the system’s longevity. There are steps that a professional installer goes through that, while they sound simple enough, ensure the adequate performance of your cooling system for the years to come.

Of course, if you’ve come across this blog post at the time of its publishing, you may very well be reading this because you’re in a hurry to get a new AC in your house, now. We get it, but rushing into a purchase like this can mean sacrificing comfort, and even sacrificing your wallet a bit.

Read on as we uncover the steps that HVAC professionals go through and explain why installing a system yourself may not be the best choice.

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Are You Breathing Healthy Air at Home?

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Did you know that the air inside your home can be of lower quality than the air outside? At least, this is true if you don’t have the right indoor air quality products and services in place. This is especially true if you have a home built in the last few decades, since modern homes are built very “tight” to allow for no conditioned air to escape or heated air to enter.

This is great news for your cooling and heating efficiency, and will help ensure your energy bills will stay low. But this isn’t great news if you suffer from allergies or asthma. Since no air can get out, this also means that contaminants like pollen, dirt, dust, and pet dander don’t have a way out either. Even the healthiest member of your family can be affected by poor indoor air quality. So what’s the solution? Read on!

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Is This the Year to Go Ductless?

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Not every home will benefit greatly from going ductless, but many homes do!

We get it, there are a number of options available when shopping for a new air conditioner. It can feel overwhelming. And if you already have a conventional central air conditioner in place, it’s easy to assume that’s the best choice and upgrade to another more efficient central AC system.

And this might be the right choice—but what if your ductwork is also in bad shape? Or what if you’re looking to expand your air conditioner’s reach due to a remodel but you can’t add additional air ducts? Or what if you simply want more efficient cooling, and wouldn’t mind more efficient heating as well? Then consider the installation of a ductless system!

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Does Your AC Need Repairs?

Monday, May 25th, 2020

Now that summer is just around the corner, you want to be sure that your air conditioning system is in good working condition, which means taking care of any outstanding repairs. We understand that putting off your AC repairs until the end of summer might seem like it makes the most financial sense, but trust us, you’ll end up paying a lot more down the road!

However, many homeowners are unaware that they’ve even got a problem with their ACs. Below, we have listed some of the tell-tale signs of trouble for you! Keep reading to find out more.

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