Premier HVAC Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hagerstown’

Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Wouldn’t it be nice to breathe easier?

These days, most of us spend roughly 90% of our time indoors. Indoor air isn’t as fresh as outdoor air and what you’re breathing could be bad for you. 

Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to improve indoor air quality in your home. Check it out!

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Tips to Choose a New Air Conditioner

Monday, September 12th, 2022

If you’re shopping for a new air conditioning system this time of the year, chances are that you’re in a bit of a rush to find one. After all, summer isn’t over, as much as we would like it to be–and as such, temperatures have not begun to cool off enough that it makes you comfortable enough to shut off the system for the season.

That said, we really want to encourage you to slow down at least a little bit when making this decision for your home comfort. We’ll take it as a good sign that you’re reading this blog post. It means you want to be informed before you make a purchase! Read on to learn more about your air conditioning system options and how to choose the right system for your specific home and comfort needs.

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Check for These Indicators Your AC Needs Repair

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Professional air conditioning repair is one of those services you really don’t want to delay when you need it. You might be really tempted to hold off–after all, if your system is still functioning and you feel some cold air, why bother spending the money on repairs, right?

Well, unfortunately, ignoring your repair needs like this can lead to risking your air conditioner completely breaking down right when you need it the most, right in the middle of summer.

We encourage our customers to take care of their air conditioning systems as soon as they realize they need a repair. But how do you know when this is the case? We ask this with the knowledge that you are not an air conditioning expert–that’s our job! But it is a good idea for you to know the basics, including signs that it is, in fact, time for you to call for professional AC repairs. Read on!

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“Why Should I Have AC Maintenance Done?”

Monday, August 1st, 2022

You’ve probably heard of maintenance before. If you drive a vehicle, you likely take it in for routine tune-ups on a regular basis–once it hits so many miles.

While you don’t have to worry about the mileage of an air conditioner, you do need to worry about how efficiently and effectively it’s going to work throughout its 10-15 useful service life.

We mention this useful service life because it’s only possible with routine, professional maintenance. Maintenance allows us to inspect, clean, and adjust anything necessary while alerting you to potential repair needs.

This service should be done at least once a year–twice if you have a year-round heat pump–and although we typically recommend AC tune-ups in the spring, it’s never too late to have it done. If you haven’t scheduled AC maintenance in the last year, now is the time to give us a call! In the meantime, read on as we uncover some of the biggest benefits of professional AC maintenance.

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AC Installation: Why Your System Needs to be Sized Correctly

Monday, July 18th, 2022

Think about your car…. how it runs, what’s required for it to get efficient gas mileage, what maintenance tasks make for a good, comfortable ride.

Now, what if you thought about your air conditioner the same way? Look, we get it–if you’re shopping for an air conditioner this time of the year, chances are you’re in a rush and ready to get a new cooling system right now.

As aggravating as it may be to not have a functional air conditioner during the peak of summer, it’s going to be even more frustrating to have your comfort and AC efficiency impacted by incorrect sizing upon installation. Read on to learn more, and when you are ready for installation, contact our team to get set up with the right system for your specific space and needs.

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Which Air Conditioner Is Best for Your Specific Home?

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Temperatures are beginning to warm, and summer is right around the corner. If you’ve waited until now to research what type of air conditioner is best for installation in your home, chances are that you need it quickly, right?

We get it! However, an air conditioner purchase is one of those investments that you really shouldn’t rush into. Buying the first air conditioner you see that seems decent and fits your budget could potentially leave you with cooling inefficiencies or even an improperly installed air conditioner altogether.

If you’re still reading, though, we’re going to guess that you already understand that this shouldn’t be a hasty decision for you. So, read on! Below, we’ve uncovered the different kinds of air conditioning systems we provide, and how you could benefit from each one.

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When You Really Need to Call For AC Repair

Monday, May 9th, 2022

There are some instances where it might make sense to wait to call for AC repairs–like if you’re planning on replacing your system before the temperatures warm up too much, or if you already have maintenance scheduled to get a comprehensive idea of what repairs are most necessary.

But if you haven’t had maintenance done in the last year and have no idea what the status of your air conditioner’s efficiency and efficacy is, or if it will be able to reliably keep you cool this summer, then the time to call for AC repair is now. This is especially true if your air conditioner is currently exhibiting any of the following symptoms.

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It’s Time for an AC Tune-Up: Here’s Why!

Monday, April 18th, 2022

You probably don’t think very much about air conditioning maintenance, but the truth is that it’s an absolutely essential service to keep your cooling system functioning as efficiently and effectively as possible.

For a conventional central air conditioning system, you should invest in this service once a year. If you have a heat pump model system, this means it goes through twice the work each year, and therefore needs twice the tune-ups–maintenance every 6 months.

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“Why Is My Heat Pump Stuck in Heating Mode?”

Monday, March 28th, 2022

Springtime is upon us, and soon enough temperatures will be on the rise, enough so that you’ll want to start using your air conditioner if favor of your heater.

Of course, if you have a heat pump system these are one and the same. The best thing you can do this time of the year is to go ahead and schedule a maintenance session for your system. Since heat pumps work year-round, these systems need a professional tune-up twice a year instead of once a year.

Whether you already had this spring’s tune-up done already or not, the fact is that if you are trying to switch your heat pump to cooling mode and it won’t budge, you have a problem! Read on to learn more about what’s going on here.

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Are You Using Your Furnace As Efficiently As Possible?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

It may almost be spring, but you know that our temperatures can stay cold for a while, and if you still need your furnace you’re going to be glad to have a fully effective and efficient system to work with.

Wait, what’s that? Your furnace isn’t working that efficiently? If you’ve found yourself paying more than you think is necessary every winter for your heating needs, then there might be something that’s preventing the furnace from operating as well as it could.

Professional maintenance is essential in preventing issues and keeping efficiency high, but there are some extra steps you can take that will boost efficiency even more. Read on to learn what they are!

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