If the time has come for you to purchase a new furnace, you may find the options a bit overwhelming. Minor choices can have a huge impact later on the level of efficacy and efficiency of your new system. Therefore, it’s essential that you do your research and consult with an experienced professional before making your furnace purchase.
An inefficient furnace could leave you with skyrocketing utility bills and more repair needs than you signed up for over the years.
So be sure to partner with a pro in this decision-making process. Once we help you determine the make and model of furnace you’d like, the next decision to ponder is what fuel source you’ll be using. In most cases, you’ll have the choice between a gas furnace and an electric furnace. And just because you’ve always had one type doesn’t mean you can’t switch to a different type.
Read on as we go over the differences between each furnace type to help you decide if an electric furnace is a better option than a gas furnace for you.