Premier HVAC Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Chambersburg’

Don’t Forget About These Late-Season Furnace Repairs

Monday, March 16th, 2020

When it comes to furnace repairs, you’re not quite out of the woods yet. Sure, Spring is just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean your furnace is no longer prone to repairs. In fact, there are a number of late-season furnace repairs that we think you should be wary of!

Below, we have outlined some of the most common late-season furnace repairs for you. That way, you know precisely when to call for help. Remember to call us when you need a Chambersburg HVAC company.

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Help! Something Is Wrong With My Heat Pump!

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

Boy, has it been chilly here in Pennsylvania during these last couple of weeks! And unfortunately, it’s only going to get colder. It is really no wonder that you’re concerned about your faulty heat pump system.

If your heat pump isn’t working properly, you’ve come to the right spot. Below, we have listed some of the reasons why your heat pump might not be working as it should. Using this information, you can get the help you need. Keep reading to find out more, and call our team for your heating in Chambersburg, PA if you think you need professional repairs.

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This Year May Just Be the Year for a New Furnace!

Monday, November 25th, 2019

We understand that having to replace your furnace can seem a bit overwhelming, but it really doesn’t have to be. See, when you have a team of technicians, like ours, on your side, deciding on a brand new system isn’t so scary. In fact, it might be rather fun.

There are a number of signs that suggest the time to replace your furnace has come, and below, we have listed some of them for you. This can help you start to think about furnace replacement, although it’s best to call on professionals to help you make the final decision. Remember to call us for your furnace services in Chambersburg, PA. We can take care of your furnace replacement needs.

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