Premier HVAC Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Chambersburg’

Heating Maintenance: Why Do I Need It?

Monday, March 13th, 2023

A common question we get from our customers is, “What is heating maintenance and why do I need it?” Imagine what would happen if you didn’t maintain your car at all. If you neglected getting the oil changed, refilling your tires with air when they’re low, and never changed the air filter, how long would your car go until it broke down completely?

Just like an automobile, a heater is a complicated piece of machinery that needs routine maintenance for peak performance. So trust us when we say, heating maintenance is of utmost importance. If you want to know exactly why it’s so important, keep reading to learn the nitty gritty of heating maintenance. 

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Strange Water Heater Noises and What They Mean

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Your water heater is your home’s workhorse, tirelessly and quietly performing its job of supplying hot water to your home when you need it. But sometimes water heaters become noisy and start to emit a range of sounds that can be worrisome when you don’t know what’s causing them.

Because you depend so heavily on your water heater, it’s important to stay on top of potential water heater problems. If you have a tankless or tank water heater in Chambersburg, PA, you should be on alert for any of these sounds that indicate it’s time to call for water heater repair. You don’t want to find yourself without hot water for even a day.

Here’s a list of common noises you may hear from your water heater. Schedule service with us and we’ll determine what’s wrong and get it fixed.

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Tips for a Cleaner, Greener House

Monday, June 20th, 2022

Perhaps you read the title of this blog post and thought to yourself, “Why is an HVAC company talking to me about cleaning my house?” Well, because we probably aren’t talking about the kind of cleaning you’re thinking about. A large part of our professional services includes indoor air quality services, such as the installation of air purifiers and filtration systems, humidity balancing systems, and heat and energy recovery ventilators.

Most homeowners don’t realize this, but without the right indoor air quality solutions in place, your indoor air quality can actually be worse than that of outdoors! Fortunately, we have the solutions you need for cleaner, greener air in your home–in translation, healthier air. Read on for a few great tips we have.

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How Can a UV Air Purifier Benefit Your Home?

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Nobody likes to get sick, right? Unfortunately, the things that make us sick are typically too small to see or feel: viruses, bacteria, and other microscopic pathogens. These can all cause a wide range of problems for both our health and comfort.

Staying inside our homes seems like the most logical way to stay healthy these days, but unfortunately without the right indoor air quality products and services in place, your indoor air quality can actually be worse than the quality of the air outside. Maintaining great indoor air quality is critical, and it’s also very possible!

Perhaps you’ve already considered the installation of an air purifier such as UV germicidal lights, also referred to as UV lights or a UV air purifier. This system is effective at removing pathogens from your ductwork before they even have a chance to enter your indoor air. But would the installation of one be beneficial for your home? Read on to find out!

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“Does Maintenance Really Help Me Avoid AC Repair?”

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

Maintenance helps prevent 85% of repairs your air conditioner may ever need by allowing our technicians to thoroughly inspect the system and alert you to any smaller wear-and-tear needs the system has before they grow into bigger emergencies. So in short, yes, maintenance really helps you avoid AC repair. Of course, it’s easy for us to say that, but a little bit harder to feel reassured as a homeowner, right?

We understand. This is why we’ve decided to share with you the many benefits of maintenance, below, and why you should look into enrolling in our Energy Savings Agreement (ESA).

Don’t forget! Last week we wrote about the deal we’re currently running for maintenance. There’s no time like the present to sign up–limited appointments available and the offer expires 8/15.

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“Help! My Heat Pump Is Stuck in Heating Mode”

Monday, April 26th, 2021
Woman feeling hot and trying to refresh in summertime heat

With summer right around the corner and temperatures warming up, it’s time to start thinking about our air conditioners. If you have a heat pump system, this means scheduling a tune-up for the system, even if you had one done last fall. The reason for this is because a heat pump is a year round system. So while a standard central air conditioner or furnace needs maintenance once a year, your heat pump needs it every six months.

Whether you had maintenance done already or not though, the fact is that if you went to turn on your heat pump to cool you off, and it’s stuck in heating mode, you have a problem on your hands! Read on to learn what’s going on.

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How to Breathe a Little Easier at Home

Monday, March 1st, 2021

Did you know that your indoor air can be more polluted than the air outdoors? At least, this is the case if you don’t have the right indoor air quality solutions in place in your home. And this is the case in many homes throughout the country.

Today, more and more homeowners are becoming aware of this, as well as aware of the types of systems that can help them. Whole-house air purifiers are becoming a bit of a buzzword, but they’re so much more than just a trend. They are the way to ensure your home is as comfortable and healthy as possible, no matter what time of year it is. They help reduce illnesses, allergy symptoms, and asthma symptoms.

Read on to learn more!

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Why You Should Change Your Furnace Air Filter Regularly

Monday, January 4th, 2021

You may have heard or seen us say at one point that it’s important to change out your HVAC air filter every 1–3 months. We aren’t just throwing this out as a random suggestion. We are offering this tip as a way for you to get the most effective and most efficient use out of your furnace or air conditioner. And considering how much we have to use both around here, chances are you’d like to do anything to keep your heater running powerfully and affordably, right?

Well, one method of doing this is by performing a small maintenance task—changing the air filter. You might be surprised to find just how important this small component is. It’s about much more than protecting or improving your home’s indoor air quality. In fact, that is not the purpose of this air filter at all. While there are whole-house air filtration systems available to improve IAQ, the furnace air filter is in place to protect the furnace itself from debris that can get inside and damage its components.

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Do You Know How to Shut Down Your AC for Fall?

Monday, October 12th, 2020

We’re getting to that time of the year when you won’t need to use your air conditioner on a daily basis much longer. Fall is officially here, and this means furnaces and boilers are turning on and your AC can hibernate soon.

But AC systems shouldn’t be left alone after they stop working for the year! Unless you’re using a heat pump for your home comfort all year, there are a few steps you’ll need to take to shut down the system for winter. This will help you protect the air conditioner and ensure that it’s in great shape next spring when it’s time to maintain and use it again. Read on as we uncover just how to shut down your AC for fall for successful use in the spring!

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Watch Out for Compressor Problems With Your AC

Monday, August 31st, 2020

What’s the most important part of your air conditioner? This is a bit of a trick question, since all the components in a modern air conditioner are important for it to operate efficiently and effectively. However, there’s one part that deserves special consideration—the compressor. There are several reasons why:

  • The compressor is the literal heart of the air conditioner, since it is what causes refrigerant to circulate through the system and move heat from inside the house to exhaust it outside. Without a working compressor, an AC is merely a large indoor fan.
  • The compressor consumes the most energy of any part of the AC. This is where the energy from the electrical system is applied to the refrigerant so the air conditioner can do its job.
  • A broken compressor is an expensive part to replace. So expensive that if the compressor is no longer under warranty, it’s more cost-effective to have the entire air conditioning system replaced instead.

Making sure the compressor is in good shape will help you avoid expensive issues with your AC. Below is a list of signs of a compressor in danger so you’ll know when to call our technicians for AC repair in Chambersburg, PA.

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