Premier HVAC Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

What Are My Options For AC Installation?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Upgrading an older air conditioner can be a very exciting project. After all, you know that you’re investing in a high-efficiency unit that is brand new and comes with a manufacturer’s warranty. You’ll have peace of mind for many years to come that your air conditioner can keep up with cooling your home.

But you want to make sure you partner with the right air conditioning contractor in Hagerstown for your AC upgrade. You can keep reading to learn more about the different options for residential air conditioning systems. Then give our team a call to schedule your income assessment where we can help you decide which option is the best choice for your home.

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Should I Get Central AC or a Heat Pump?

Monday, May 6th, 2024

When it’s time to upgrade your home’s HVAC system, you may be wondering which is better, a central air conditioner or a heat pump. Each solution has its own unique pros and cons. It really comes down to your personal preference.

You can keep reading to learn more about both central air conditioners and heat pumps so that you can decide which one is right for your home and family. Then when you’re ready, you can give us a call for air conditioning installation in Hagerstown.

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What to Look For in an HVAC Contractor

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

When it’s time to schedule service your HVAC system or an upgrade, you want to make sure that you partner with the right technician. An HVAC contractor should have up-to-date licensing and certifications, the proper insurance, experience, and a great reputation.

You can keep reading to learn more about the four factors that are important to consider before selecting an HVAC contractor. If you’ve been searching for an HVAC contractor in Hagerstown, MD, you’re in the right place. You can give our team a call to schedule service for your HVAC system whenever you are ready.

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Making Sense of Heat Pump Efficiency Ratings

Monday, November 20th, 2023

All HVAC systems come with efficiency ratings. These standardized ratings are designed so that you can make an educated decision about what type of HVAC system to install in your home for heating and cooling. However, most systems are separate. You have an air conditioner and then you have a heater, with each one having its own efficiency rating.

Heat pumps are a little different since they operate as both an air conditioner and heater all in one. That makes their efficiency rating just a little bit different. If you are interested in heat pumps in Chambersburg, PA, our team can help. We can talk to you more about how heat pumps work and why this particular type of system might be beneficial for your home. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the rating system used to measure energy efficiency for a heat pump.

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Should I Get a Late Season AC Tune-Up?

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Summer is winding down, with fall and winter just around the corner. You may be thinking more about your heater than you are about your air conditioner right now. However, now is the best time to schedule an AC tuneup before you shut the system off for the coming months.

If it’s been a while since you scheduled air conditioning service in Chambersburg, PA, give our team a call now to make your appointment. You can also keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a late-season AC tune-up compared to putting the service off until springtime.

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Go Green With These Eco-Friendly AC Options

Monday, July 17th, 2023

Investing in a new air conditioner is a big decision. As you shop around for a new unit, going green may be at the top of your list. The good news is, technology has advanced leaps and bounds in recent years to make nearly all air conditioners much better for the environment.

But some are still better than others. If you’re interested in new air conditioning in Fairfield, PA, our team is here to help. You can keep reading to learn more about the eco-friendly air conditioning options that we recommend to our customers. Then give us a call to schedule your in-home assessment and we can make a recommendation based on your home’s unique needs.

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Tips to Choose a New Air Conditioner

Monday, September 12th, 2022

If you’re shopping for a new air conditioning system this time of the year, chances are that you’re in a bit of a rush to find one. After all, summer isn’t over, as much as we would like it to be–and as such, temperatures have not begun to cool off enough that it makes you comfortable enough to shut off the system for the season.

That said, we really want to encourage you to slow down at least a little bit when making this decision for your home comfort. We’ll take it as a good sign that you’re reading this blog post. It means you want to be informed before you make a purchase! Read on to learn more about your air conditioning system options and how to choose the right system for your specific home and comfort needs.

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What You Need to Know About Refrigerant Leaks

Monday, July 4th, 2022

There are a number of potential problems that your air conditioner can encounter throughout its lifespan, due to nothing more than natural wear and tear. One of these problems that could really put a damper on your comfort is refrigerant leaks.

A damaged and leaking refrigerant line is going to lead to refrigerant loss which will not only mean your air conditioner won’t be able to properly cool your home, but it can damage the compressor, too.

Read on as we uncover just how serious of a problem a refrigerant leak is, and how you can figure out you may be dealing with one.

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How to Keep Your Home Cooler, More Efficiently

Monday, June 6th, 2022

There aren’t many things that HVAC professional will tell you that you can do on your own when it comes to servicing your air conditioner. In fact, we actively advise against trying to do AC repairs on your own as it can lead to injury, or at least further damage to your air conditioner that could end up costing you.

HVAC pros have the proper experience, training, and licensing to perform all types of HVAC work. Maintenance is important too! Maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it–all of this helps your system work as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible. It’s also a service you should really leave to the pros.

At this point you’re likely thinking, “okay, I get it! I won’t touch my air conditioner!” But don’t you worry, there actually are steps you can take all on your own, without the assistance of an HVAC technician, to boost the efficiency of your air conditioner so you can stay cooler, more affordably. Read on to learn more!

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The Implications of Ice on Your AC System

Monday, August 16th, 2021

So you’re at home on a hot day … you’re running the air conditioner, but something seems off. It’s not keeping you as cool as you think it should. Since you can’t seem to get comfortable, you go and check the thermostat, and it seems to be working just fine. Time to check the actual AC unit … and then you see it. Ice.

But ice is a normal part of the cooling process, right? Well, no. Ice actually has no part in the cooling process, and if you see ice developing anywhere on your air conditioner (most often this is going to be on the evaporator coil) then you have a problem on your hands. But we’re here to help! Read on as we talk a bit more about this problem.

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