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Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012





Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012


Protect Your Heating – It’s Not Too Late for System Maintenance

If your heater has been acting up this winter season, it’s not too late to address repair needs and schedule an appointment with our team. In fact, this happens to be our slower season, so now is a great time to get on the schedule. Remember that regular maintenance is crucial to keeping your system working at its best all year long.

Your heater has likely been working hard this season to keep your home warm against the colder weather outside. You can keep reading to learn how investing in maintenance right now can boost your comfort both now and in the many seasons to come. Plus right now we are offering $249 Monster Maintenance –  a full system rejuvenation! Get your heating system back to factory fresh condition with our exclusive 17-point precision tune-up and professional cleaning.

This is an image of an HVAC technician checking a furnace. The headline reads protect your heating system. Get a tuneup before it's too late!

Ensure System Longevity

When you invest in Monster Maintenance so that our team can look at every intricate detail of your heater, you’ll get more life out of the unit. After all, it’s the tiniest details that matter. All of the little things that could go wrong inside of your heater can add up to major problems. 

Addressing all of those seemingly tiny needs can buy you years of extra life. And we’re not just talking about extending your heater’s lifespan so that it can last longer—although that’s a great benefit, too. We’re talking about optimizing the system so that it can work like new again and give you the results that you deserve without losing steam and struggling to operate at its highest capacity.

Prevent High-Cost Repairs

Making the investment now will save you so much money over having to make more extensive repairs later on. Even the smallest problems can grow and spread to become serious. For example, a single loose bolt on the blower motor can eventually break off and get stuck in fan blades or other components, warping them beyond repair. 

Then, you’re talking about replacing entire parts inside of the system, instead of just making tweaks here and there – like tightening down that single loose bolt. Treat our Monster Maintenance plan like the investment that it is and enjoy savings for the entire life of your system.

Improve Efficiency

Investing in service now is also a great way to improve the overall energy efficiency. On one hand, you can enjoy the short-term benefits of what’s left of the winter season. But the greater benefit is long-term as your system maintains lower operational costs in the coming years.

Get Peace of Mind

All of these things come together to offer you peace of mind that your heater is in excellent shape. Our team can talk to you about any concerns we have and go ahead and address them early. You won’t have to worry about your heater for the rest of the season or the next one, either. If your heater is older, we can give you an idea of when you will need to replace it so you can be prepared when the time comes.

To schedule your heater service, contact Premier HVAC Services today!

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