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Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012





Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012


4 Signs That It’s Time to Schedule Duct Cleaning

Is your indoor air quality suffering? Perhaps you notice dust on surfaces around your house or increasing energy bills. Each of these can be a sign that it’s time to schedule a duct cleaning service for your home. Noticing all three means that the need is even greater. 

You can keep reading to learn more about how your ductwork can negatively impact your home and HVAC system, as well as the signs that indicate it’s time to prioritize duct services. Then give our team a call to schedule a duct cleaning in Fayetteville, PA.

Dusty Surfaces

Are surfaces around your home dustier than usual? Perhaps you wipe everything down only to notice a layer of dust again merely a week later. If this is the case, you may be thinking that your cleaning skills are lacking. However, this is probably not the case at all. Usually, increasingly dusty surfaces are because of ductwork that needs to be cleaned out and resealed.

When dust gets into your ductwork, it inevitably mixes in with clean air and blows back into your home. As the years go by, this problem can get worse very quickly. A duct cleaning appointment is an opportunity for our team to give you a fresh start with better indoor air quality. 

Not only will we vacuum out the dust from inside your ductwork, but we will also sanitize the surfaces if they are particularly dirty. Then we can reseal joints that have loosened up to ensure your ductwork is completely airtight.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Speaking of indoor air quality, a decline in healthy, clear air is another sign that your ductwork is suffering. If you notice that your indoor air quality isn’t as good as it used to be, your ductwork is likely to blame. Maybe you are getting sick more often or seeing worsening or more frequent allergy symptoms. 

It’s also possible that your home has an unexplainable bad odor. No matter what your indoor air quality concerns, our team can help you make improvements by cleaning out your ductwork. If you still have indoor air quality concerns after that, we also offer additional solutions like whole-house air purifiers.


If you cannot remember the last time you had your ductwork cleaned, if ever, then it is definitely time for the service. We usually recommend scheduling duct cleaning appointments at three to five year intervals. The precise timing really depends on your home. If you have several children or pets, that can increase the likelihood that you need duct cleaning closer to the three-year mark.

Prioritizing duct cleaning services regularly offers a variety of benefits. The obvious ones are better indoor air quality and lower dust levels. But regular duct cleaning can also help your HVAC system to operate more efficiently, leading to less wear and tear as well as lower monthly energy costs.

To schedule your duct cleaning service, contact Premier HVAC Services today!

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